For Men
At Somalogic Laser Clinic we urge men of all ages to take their beauty treatments seriously. At best some guys apply gel to their hair and out the door, they go. We’re here to help you do more, be well-groomed, and look uber sexy!
Male Treatments (Manscaping)
We asked members of Somalogic Facebook and Instagram communities to sound off on the beauty treatments they wish their husbands, fathers, friends, or sons would do more regularly. Unsurprisingly, concerns about grooming and skincare protection topped the list.
Guys, you have testosterone and this results in oilier skin which shows up in large pores on your face. A regular visit will have you look clean and well-groomed with clearer brighter and youthful-looking skin.
Facials are both luxury and necessity. They allow you some time to relax and pamper yourself.
Micro Blading is a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo and is also known as permanent brow makeup.
Take a breather from the hustling and bustling of city life. Enjoy a relaxing manicure and/or pedicure.
The Cutera LimeLight delivers a non-invasive light treatment that can be customized for different skin tones.
Now men and women alike are making unsightly facial and leg veins a thing of the past, thanks to Cutera CoolGlide.
If fine lines and wrinkles are your concern, we offer B-tox Cosmetic which has been FDA approved for cosmetic use.
The excessive sweating associated with hyperhidrosis is normally most active in the hands, feet, armpits, and groin.
Males usually accumulate excess fat around their belly, back, and internal organs. The HCG diet plan addresses exactly that unhealthy weight.
By targeting the fungus directly, GenesisPlus gets to the source of the problem immediately.